Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Killzone 3 Sharpshooter Bundle?

Yes, I did intentionaly put a question mark(?) on my title, because there is no such Sharpshooter bundle available for Killzone 3.

All of it was bought separately, though quite expensive, but it's all for immersive gameplay experience. My picture above lacks a PS Eye which plays an important component for this "immersion" to work. Why? I'll tell you later.

First thing that I bought was the Killzone 3 Move Bundle. What's inside of it?
  • 1 PS Move Controller
  • 1 Hand strap
  • 1 Collectors Edition Killzone 3 Game
  • 2 Killzone 3 Sackboy figures (Sev and Helghan soldier)

Second is the PS Move Sharpshooter accessory bought together at the same time with PS Move Navigation controller to make the bundle complete and thats all about it.

About the PS Eye? I got it when I bought a PS Move Sports Champions bundle; And by the way, buying this separately will cost more than buying a SOCOM4 full deployment bundle which is waaaay cheaper and already available in the market.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Street Fighter X Tekken

The two of my favorite fighting games Street Fighter (Capcom) and Tekken (Namco) has been tailored to clash each other using Capcom's fashion. Watch the trailers below to keep your hype up!

Cinematic Trailer

Gameplay Trailer

I know it's crazy! Stay tune for more announcements.

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Battlefield: Play 4 Free

Battlefield: Play4Free is another free to play online first person shooter from EA that is set in a modern warfare with realistic graphics compared to Battlefield: Heroes cartoon style.

The game contains the best features of the battlefield series which includes 32 player online battle, sandbox gameplay, vehicular warfare and more.

Now available! Click here to download and play.

Sony Neo Tank GTK-N1BT

The Neo Tank GTK-N1BT is Sony's newest multi-functioning audio box. It is a party boom box that is capable of wireless music playba...